Tata Docomo
TATA Docomo withdraws SMS Recharge Offer 29 , Change BSNL , Vodafone, Airtel ,others packs

TATA DoCoMo the main provider of cheapest SMS withdraws SMS recharge offer Rs.29 . Not only Tata DoCoMo All operators decreased their SMS Offers , Airtel Give now 600 Local / National SMS with recharge of Rs.44 , Vodafone Give now 650 Local / National SMS with recharge of Rs.47 with validity of 15 Days .
Still DoCoMo is cheapest Provider with 100 SMS a day for Rs.2 .
Still available SMS offers for DoCoMo
RS.6 300 Local/National SMS. Validity 3 Day
Rs.13 1000 Local/STD SMS. Validity : 10 days
Airtel SMS Offers
RC15=200Loc/Nat SMS for 5days,
RC44=600Loc/Nat SMS for 15days,
RC74=1000Loc/Nat SMS for 30days
This is reported for Kerala Circle
If SMS offer is defferent for your LOCATIN / Operator Comment
I have Tata docomo number, it is very comfortable for me,i like it because any company don’t competition with tata docomo