Tata Docomo
TATA Docomo SMS Offers

Tata Docomo Kerala SMS Offers
Rate |
Recharge Type |
Offer |
Validity |
28 |
Easy / Online |
3000 SMS |
30 Days |
12 |
Easy / Online |
1000 SMS |
10 Days |
Other Offers
SIM Ported to Docomo
- * 99 SMS / day after 1 paid sms @ 60ps
Ordinary Docomo
- * 198 free SMS / day after 2 paid sms (@60ps/sms)
hey guys recently ive got tata docomo sim and i started using that.coverage is quite much better but people are saying that this docomo offering 1 paisa pulse call tariff is only for 3 months.and even sms also 1re per lolz if this will happen then i gonna trash that docomo distributor WHAT U SAY?
What are the procedures inoder to make my docomo sim have the offer to .60rs/2 sms and snd 198 free sms????