Availability of Blackberry Messenger on iOS and Android has been a hot topic since 2011. A year passed but there was no official announcement on it until now. In the mid of 2013, BB has officially confirmed that Blackberry Messenger will be available on Apple App Store and Google Play Store, which is indeed a good news for BBM anticipators. Blackberry CEO Thorsten Heins announced on May 14 at Blackberry Live that BBM will be facilitated to Android and iOS this summer.
Blackberry has undertaken a huge and controversial step in facilitating BB10’s most popular spec to millions of users, who literally need not be the owners of Blackberry devices to access the app. Notably, BBM will be available for free on higher versions of Android, Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0 and above.
The iPhone users are pretty near for the availability of BBM. iOS 6 is supposed to carry BBM from this Summer. Heins exclaimed this decision to be a condition of confidence on behalf of the sturdy response that BB10 platform has received from the audience. Theins believes that it is high time for BBM to be available as an autonomous smartphone messaging application.
Initially, iOS and Android users would be able to experience BBM group chat and messaging features only. But Theins has promised to expand the app gradually by integrating BBM voice, screen sharing and BBM channels for iOS and Android users. Heins proudly stated that BB is all set to energize BBM and make it more powerful than ever.
Blackberry has its very own unique place and prestige in the mobile world. But with the two most popular smartphone platforms rising to power, BB needs to develop new relationships so that it may retain its power and prestige in the mobile era. Apple and Google are yet to confirm the relationship. BBM has more than 50 million regular active users. The newfound relationship may tend to be beneficial for all three parties.
The availability of BBM on other smartphones like iPhone 5, iPhone 4S. Galaxy S4 or other major phones will definitely increase the number of active users.