
Five Quick Tricks To Fix Your Damaged Smartphone!

Can you imagine a life without your smartphone and having no access to e-mails, social networking sites, applications while you are travelling? For most of you, the answer would be a ‘no’. There are some basic problems that we face no matter how good a smartphone we buy. According to a TOI report, here are a few tips and tricks that will help you keep the smartphone safe and secure and increase its life.

Water Damage: According to a survey, 60 per cent of the smartphones that come to service centers suffer from water damage. It’s a common problem that is usually a result of an accident. So, whenever you drop your smartphone in water or any other liquid for that matter, remember not to switch it on as this act might to lead to short circuit. The first thing that you should do is take off the battery and put it in a bowl full of rice along with smartphone. Rice will absorb all the water. After that, you can either keep it near the heat vents of TVs and PCs or in front of an AC, for it to dry without leaving any moisture behind.

Screen Scratches: Getting those unwanted scratches on your smartphone screen is a very bad feeling. One should always make sure that a screen guard is there to protect the smartphone. In case you got late in getting a screenguard for your device, we have a small trick. You can apply a little toothpaste (and NOT tooth gel) to the screen and rub it in circular motions using a soft cloth. This will give your smartphone a shiny and a less scratchy screen.

Battery Issues: Draining battery can be very irritating, especially when you have to charge your new smartphone time and again. This is a very common problem in Android smartphones. To avoid such a problem in a new smartphone, you have to follow just a simple step. Just wrap the battery of the smartphone in a polybag and place it in your refrigerator. The problem occurs due to the heating of lithium batteries and this act will not just cool down the temperature of battery but will also increase its power.

Stuck Pixels: Sometimes, you see coloured dots inside the screen of your smartphone. Those are stucked pixels or dead pixels. To get rid of them, you can simply rub the screen softly around the dotted part. It will help the screen to reorganize itself and get its colour back.

Random Reboot: This problems mainly occurs in a smartphone, when the battery is loose and not fixed properly or when you have dropped your device for a good number of times. To fix the loose battery issue, you can simply use a folded paper and put it in along with the battery, which minimises the space between the terminals and keep it in place.

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