
Idea 2G Netsetter Plans / Packs Latest

Benefits on Idea 2G Netsetter plans

Updated on June 2016
[tabby title=”2G Netsetter Prepaid”]

Sachet Pack

MRP Data Benefit Data Validity (Days) Overage FUP limit Mode of Recharge
7 35 MB 1 4ps/10KB NA E-Recharge, USSD *150*07#
154 625 MB 21 4ps/10KB NA E-Recharge, USSD *150*154#

Limited Volume Packs

MRP Data Benefit Data Validity (Days) Overage FUP limit Mode of Recharge
179 1 GB 28 4ps/10KB NA E-Recharge, USSD *150*179#

Unlimited Volume Packs

MRP Data Benefit Data Validity (Days) Overage FUP limit Mode of Recharge
201 Unlimited 28 NA Speed to reduce to 40Kbps post 1.25 GB and to 20Kbps post 2.25 GB E-Recharge, USSD *150*201#
257 Unlimited 28 NA Speed to reduce to 40Kbps post 2 GB and to 20Kbps post 3 GB E-Recharge
398 Unlimited 30 NA Speed to reduce to 40Kbps post 3 GB and to 20Kbps post 4 GB E-Recharge

[tabby title=”2G Netsetter Postpaid”]

Limited Volume Packs

MRP (Rs.) Data Benefit Bill Shield Value Overage FUP limit To activate
399 5 GB NA 4P/10KB NA

Unlimited data Packs

MRP (Rs.) Data Benefit Bill Shield Value Overage FUP limit To activate
500 5 GB Unlimited NA Speed post 5GB @ 40kbps

Booster Packs

MRP (Rs.) Data Benefit Bill Shield Value Overage FUP limit To activate
50 100MB for 7 days* SMS ACT BOOST 50 to 12345
75 200MB for 10 days* SMS ACT BOOST 75 to 12345
100 300MB for 30 days* SMS ACT BOOST 100 to 12345
100 400 MB for 7 days* SMS ACTIOD100 to 12345
150 600 MB for 15 days* SMS ACTIOD150 to 12345
175 500MB for 30 days* SMS ACT BOOST 175 to 12345
200 1 GB for 15 days* SMS ACTIOD200 to 12345
250 1GB for 30 days* SMS ACT BOOST 250 to 12345
450 2GB for 30 days* SMS ACT BOOST450 to 12345
600 3GB for 30 days* SMS ACT BOOST600 to 12345
750 5GB for 30 days* SMS ACT BOOST750 to 12345

Cust. Care @ 458


  1. if you want to play game or watch a movie whats a better connection 56k modem or 2g on a . which is better and faster. this is just a question a friend ask me if you dont know please dont answer i have cable just want to know whitch is better and why

  2. here is the deal,
    i have a 2g ulocked iphone. i was wondering if i should update the baseband to something besides 04.05.04 FW 3.1.2. does it even matter. i just had the notion of maybe it would be a better modem firmware. is there any beniffits of doing a upgrade or downgrade? olso, is there any way of getting a better signal out if this iPhone?

  3. I have downloaded through huawei e1550 using 2g sim & its download speed was only 5-8Kbps. while the same file was downloaded at same time through nokia supernova using same sim its download speed was 18-25Kbps. So assist me who will be better micromax or huawei or other like reliance, bsnl etc.

  4. i am using bsnl 2g in umts mode on my laptop via nokia 7230 usb modem and getting 50 kbps speed. If i use this in any datacard ,will speed increase.

  5. I want a data card in which i can insert any sim cards of 2g and 3g both networks.
    I want to pay the same net pack charge in sim card (inserted in data card vs inserted in mobile).
    Please tell the best 2g or 3g data card/dongle/modem.

      1. No friend i got idea 2g speed upto 120 kbps that means 15KB/s …..and early morning it goes upto 30KBps…….

        1. The speed may vary from place to place . During the morning time you can get max speed because of the lesser number of users. 18 Kilo Bytes per second [ It was a mistake I wrote kbps instead of KBps ]

  6. i got 3g idea sim., new one., a week bfore. and i got 1Gb data free., (3g) ., if i get that unlimited data pack of rs399., and.,. can any1 assure that it ‘ll give speed upto 50kb/s(kilobYte persec)??? if anybody knew here?? pls yaar., tell me., 🙂

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