
Apk Leak : BlackBerry postpones launch of BBM for iOS and Android

It seems to have a BlackBerry, and any other kind of “BBM” – “before the break – start your BlackBerry Messenger, or BBM for iOS and Android.

As it turns out, the company decided to “break” the periodic time tested BBM for iOS and Android this weekend in order to use “make” their way into these platforms as the best condition as possible.

Blackberry BBM to blame deferral leaked version of the Android app, as announced by the company on its official blog:

Before BBM for Android, unreleased version of the BBM app for Android has been posted online. Interest and enthusiasm we’ve seen already – more than 1.1 million active users within the first 8 hours without even starting the official Android app-is incredible. Therefore, this pre-release version of the problems that we have tried to deal with all day.
BlackBerry adds that the BBM team will continue to work around the clock to BBM Android and iPhone, but only when it is ready, and we know it will live up to the expectations of the BBM.

Therefore, the BlackBerry has suspended the world time tested BBM for iOS and Android.

Blackberry BBM These have pulled from the App Store, especially for customers in Asia-Pacific region, where the program has been granted. Customers who downloaded BBM These continue to use the program.

As for those who have downloaded the leaked BBM app for Android, Blackberry notes that the unreleased Android app will be released.

“As soon as we can,” BlackBerry concludes, “We have to start with a few batches sent to the country installing BBM Android and implementation of the BBM, iPhone and more.”

BBM for iOS and Android has been published on the BlackBerry in May last year and expected to spend up to the end of the summer. It has been confirmed that such a time to start this weekend. But because they are having major hit snag BBM for iOS and Android apparently has been delayed to the next season.

No “BBM all” just yet.

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