Developer’ Review :
WhoIsNext is an android application which helps us to keep in touch with friends and relatives. This application I started implementing when I faced a situation where I was thinking of to whom I want to make a call next. From my call log it is very difficult to check whom I haven’t contacted in the recent past and when I contacted them. And I searched in the Android market for an app which helps me to keep in touch with my friends. But I couldn’t find a simple one. So I created one WhoIsNext.
User can add contacts to this app and the app will sort the contacts based on the LAST_TIME_CONTACTED. So the app will show the contacts which are recently contacted on bottom, and contacts which the user hasn’t contacted recently will show up on top. Along with the contact name user can see when he contacted that person.
App Screenshots
Download your App from : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.abhidsm.whoisnext