Tata Docomo

Unlimited Whatsapp @15 , Facebook & Twitter @ Rs. 15 TataDocomo

Unlimited  Whatsapp @15 , Facebook & Twitter @ Rs. 15 TataDocomo


Rs. 15 Unlimited  Whatsapp   / 15 Days

Rs.30 Unlimited  Whatsapp / 30 days

Facebook & Twitter 

Rs.15 Facebook & Twitter  for 15 Days

Rs.1  Facebook & Twitter   ( Daily Rs. 1 )

Rs.30 Facebook & Twitter  for 30 Days

Get Offer Dial *123#


  1. I tried to start whatsapp using ussd code but it is not running without data connection and if i use it with data connection then my balance is deducted. Kindly reply what should i do now. Asap

    1. Yes,this will not work. If you want to use unlimited whatsapp then take a sim of uninor/telenor. It will give you unlimited whatsapp at just RS.15

  2. Not Working – i have recharched with unlimited 15rs for 7794838610 and 7794838010 nos but it is not working

  3. Not Working – On 2/09/2014 I send a SMS WA15 then a mesg came that your unlimited what’sApp pack is activated for 30 days well first thing I thought it was a 15 day offer and the second is what ever it is when I switch on the data connection ,am being charged.I called around 20 times to the customer care but they don’t connect to any one and if connected they won’t help out,said that there is an activation link but nothing was mesgd to me.And at one time they even cut the call.

  4. i hv accessed my fb a/c through ussd*325# without net bcz my mobile doesn’t support net
    here i would to knw that
    Is there any ussd code to access watsapp?
    not offers of watsapp

  5. Question – Dear Sir, How to activate Rs.15 Facebook & Twitter for 15 Days in main balance in IDEA ?

  6. Question – Is it possible to download media from whatsapp if i recharge for unlimited whatsup plan

  7. Question – Can u reduce your 3g internet price in mumbai… I need 1gb 3g data per month. And I have to pay 150 only for that…

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