
BlackBerry 10 Security Features [Infographic]

BlackBerry has been viewed as an expert and leader in mobile security for decades. But when it comes to BlackBerry 10, how is your personal and work information kept safe and secure? Take a look at the infographic below to learn more about the security features of the BlackBerry 10 platform.

Smartphone Spotlight

We’ve been working with Trend Micro to implement a more robust approach for addressing privacy and security concerns related to third-party applications. By incorporating Trend Micro’s advanced mobile scanning and detection capabilities with our own internal, proprietary application analyzing system, we can provide another layer of protection and assurance for BlackBerry customers. For more information on BlackBerry’s anti-malware strategy and collaboration with Trend Micro, check out our recent post titled “How safe is your smartphone’s app store?”

Is there a time when the security features of BlackBerry 10 saved you from disaster? Which do you find most useful? Share in the comments below.

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