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For keeping promises, Cortana can now scans emails!!!

For its next Windows 10 update, Microsoft is putting highlight on its cortana digital assistant. From now on, Windows insiders will get access to a new commitment option in cortana for Windows 10.Commitments are very similar to the existing flight and delivery tracking in cortana, but it’s designed to pick up on emails where you promise your boss to finish a particular project in time.

“cortana will look for emails where you’ve said you’re going to do something,” explains Microsoft’s Marcus Ash in an interview with The Verge. If you send an email to a friend or colleague with content like “I’ll get back to you by next week” or “I’ll have this finished by 5PM today,” then cortana will create a card to help you set a reminder.Like flight reminders, the email scanning is completed locally so no data is sent to servers of Microsoft until you agree to add a reminder for the card.  If you don’t want cortana scanning your email for phrases you can also disable this feature.

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