Tata Docomo
Tata Docomo’s Rs.49 GPRS Offer

Tata Docomo the leading GPRS provider in kerala Comes with Rs 49 2G GPRS Voucher .
Now with 1 GB Free usage for a period of 30 days
Recharge Type : Coupon or Special Recharge
Amount : 49
Usage Allotment: 1GB
Validity :30 Days
I’ve been thinking about buying a docomo cell phone lately and I was wondering if I used a hypersim card to unlock it, will it for in the US for AT&T?
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OLD Offers
New one here http://www.telecomclue.com/tata-docomo-2g-latest-plans-offers-updated-january-2014/
ap devarhipparagi dist bijapur