Sony Put the Guts Of A Smartphone Into This Light bulb!!!

The Sony Company’s newest appliance, the Multi functional Light, performs an absurd amount of functions. It can communicate with other appliances like air conditioning units and thermostats with data from its humidity sensors, talk to your TV using infrared to turn it on when its motion sensors detect you’re in the room, and act as a household intercom system equipped with speakers and a microphone. It even has a microSD card slot for some completely inexplicable reason. All of these functions can be controlled via a Smartphone app when you’re inside or away from your home.
The company packed the technology inside Amazon’s Echo speaker into a light bulb that fits into a flying saucer-shaped housing unit. If that sounds silly, just take a look at how the Echo and Amazon’s Alexa digital assistant are increasingly taking over smart homes here in the US by performing the basic needs of a voice-powered central hub. The downside is Sony’s light is only coming to Japan in the first half of 2016.